準備好自己迎接光的勝利Our allies continue to make progress in their efforts to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones. Resistance is pushed aside as we are the ones in ascendancy, and some major coups could well open Pandora's box and reveal those who have been behind the plan for world control. We are certainly closing in on those responsible, and for once money will not buy them a way out of it. So much has been revealed about the goings on that have taken away your rights, and bribery has played a big part in achieving it. Honest politics disappeared a long time ago, but that does not mean that there are not any honest politicians. Unfortunately their voices are often stifled and regularly ignored, but their day is coming very soon and be assured that we know each one by name. Each day now offers the possibility of exciting news, and Disclosure is being energised by your focus upon it. It means that it will soon burst upon the scene, as it cannot be held back much longer. It will once and for all prove our existence, and remove suggestions that we have ulterior motives where you and your 節能燈具Earth are concerned. Once our true motives have been confirmed, we hope to have satisfied those who had doubts that we come in peace. You do need us, and in any event it is decreed that we come together in the Brotherhood of Light. Your future is going to take you into the realms of the Cosmos, that is your true abode and where you will once more achieve your true status. So as you can see, there is a lot to do and Ascension will be the first big step that will lift you up. It will be a great leap forward in your levels of consciousness. Everyone will at some stage be offered the same opportunity to rise up, but it comes with conditions as you have to apply yourself to lifting up your vibrations. You cannot just walk straight into Ascension, unless you are compatible to the new levels. We have already told you that initially all you need is a firm intent to ascend, but you have to change your life to one that mirrors the new vibrations. It means gradually leaving behind those attachments that will no longer serve you. Ones that are perhaps habitual such as taking drugs, or indulging in practises that are 澎湖民宿of a low vibration. If you choose to pass over the chance to ascend, that is your choice and you will be directed onto a path that allows you to continue in your present way. Some followers of religion expect the wrath of God to descend upon Earth, but we wish to make it clear that your true God Is All Love. That scenario is biblical in origin and comes from false teachings, or old predictions that are no longer relevant. Naturally there will be physical changes, as that is the nature of Mother Earth who is responsible for carrying them out. However, they are not intended to destroy the Earth but part of the necessary cleansing to prepare it for Ascension. In fact the more Light that is brought to Earth the easier it will be, and furthermore people warned where they are in danger. Some will heed them, but others will stay according to their intuitive feelings. Dear Ones, you have come far to arrive at this pivotal point in your lives, so please take note of what is happening around you. Some information will be deliberately circulated to cause fear, and you should know by now that it is the very energy 澎湖民宿that feeds the dark Ones. Without lifting a finger you can help to keep them down, by denying them the energy they live off. Keep your Light shining bright all of the time, and never let your focus move from your goal. The year 2012 will see a speeding up of the level of Light being sent to Earth, that means you will rapidly leave the old vibrations behind. When you shed them you will notice a much lighter feeling takes over, and a beautiful peace descends upon you. If that is already you, we say well done and that you are doing everything possible to prepare yourself for Ascension. We of the Galactic Federation continue to draw closer to you, and we have established direct contact on Earth with numerous Beings of Light who are to play a major role in Disclosure. If necessary, we can learn all there is to know about any individual, so you may be sure that whosoever speaks on our behalf is genuine. Where anyone else tries to intrude with disinformation, you will feel the difference because of the energies their words carry. Be discerning and remember that the dark Ones are easy to spot, and out to create 辦公室出租fear laden messages. Understand that until this cycle is drawn to an end, the dark Ones still have freewill choice to do as they wish. Our hope is that they will soon see that the Light is about to take charge of the Earth, and they have nothing to gain by trying to create more confusion or chaos. For many the time of goodwill approaches, and people look to the New Year to discuss their aspirations and what they wish to bring into their lives. Lightworkers who express their confidence that the future is going to bring peace to Earth, will immensely help still the fears that may otherwise arise considering the instability that is around you. An encouraging word here and there, can help lift the gloom and pessimism that many people feel right now. Your Light is a radiance that reaches far, and wherever you are will bring about a feeling of calmness. When numbers of you get together for the purpose of sending out your Light, its power is increased tenfold and you will be doing a great service for Humanity. Believe us, you are far more powerful than you give yourselves credit for. We know that conditions are 裝潢very difficult for many people, but please do not let them get you down as there is not far to go before it will all change. In fact, you will end up far better off than any previous period in your lives. You will be given peace on Earth, and your worries and problems eased until they no longer exist. In a matter of months you will see astonishing changes take place, and we are your guarantee that all we have promised will come to fruition. When we talk of "we" that includes all of the Beings that work with us from the highest realms of Light. The end times have been divinely planned, and there are no mistakes where the Creator is concerned. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bid you well and all that your dreams are made of and the love you seek. Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey. 我們的盟友在繼續取得努力的進展,把黑暗勢力的活動帶入終結。阻力被推到一邊,因為我們才是處於優勢地位的一方,一些出乎意料的行動將開啟潘朵拉的盒子,並且暴露出那些為了控制世界而隱藏在背後的計畫。我們當然會負責任的跟進,僅此一次的金錢救濟是不能讓他們脫離困境的。對於奪取你們權利而不斷發生的陰謀已經被揭露了很多,行賄受賄在其中占了很大比重。小型辦公室誠實的政治系統已經消失很長時間了,但是這並不意味著沒有任何誠實的政客。不幸的是他們的聲音通常被抑制並且忽視,但是他們起作用的時刻很快就要到來,並請確信我們知道每個人的名字。 現在每天都提供著激動人心消息的可能性,通過你們聚焦的注意力【大揭露】正在呈現中。這意味著很快將爆發進入檯面,因為它無法再被遏制更久。 他將再次向全人類證明我們的存在,清理那些好像我們帶著不明動機到來的顧慮。一旦我們真實的動機被予以肯定,我們希望能夠讓那些充滿質疑的人滿意--我們為和平而來。你們需要我們,在任何事件中它都是被欽點的--那就是我們都是【光之兄弟同盟】。你們的未來就要把你們帶入宇宙的實相中,這才是你們真實的居所,在這裡你們將再次抵達存在的真實狀態。因此如你們所見,還有很多工作要做,揚升將是第一步,把你們提升的偉大一步。在你們的意識中將發生跳躍性的發展。 每個人都處於某個階段,被給予同樣的機會提升自己,但是是含有條件的,那就是你必須接受自己並且去提升自己的振動。你不可能什麼都不做就直接進入【揚升】,除非你與新的層次相容。(譯者:有些朋友認為每天看看通靈資訊就提升了,什麼也不用做,這是錯誤的,這是自欺欺人,提升並不是每天看看資訊就可以了,而是需要吸收資訊中善意的勸告,靈性的知識,再照著這些指引去行動與生活,靈性道路不可能你什麼也不用做就網路行銷掉餡餅給你吃,【沒有努力,沒有成功】,要收穫就必須勤勞的耕作)。。。我們已經告訴過你們,你們最初所要去做的一切就是肯定一個意圖---【我要提升】,但是你們也必須轉變生活的態度,反應出新振動應該具有的心態與行為。這就意味著,你們需要留下那些不再服務於你們的附著物。一些人有著惡習,比如吸毒,或者沉溺于低級振動的習性。如果你選擇了放棄揚升的機會,這也是你的選擇,那麼你將被帶到一條符合你繼續當前生活方式的道路上。 一些宗教的擁護者們期待著上帝的懲罰降臨到地球上,而我們也希望把這表達清楚---你們真實的上帝是全然的愛。這種觀點源自於聖經,是錯誤的教導,或者不再可能發生的舊的預言。自然的,會有一些物理上的轉變,因為這是地球母親的大自然,她有責任清理它們。但是,不會出現摧毀地球的情況,而是為了準備好揚升做出的必要清洗。事實上更多的【聖光】已經帶給了地球,可以讓過程更加的平滑簡單,此外,那些處於危險境地的人會予以警告。一些人會留意到這跡象,而其他一些人將根據自己的直覺感受選擇留下來。 親愛的,你們在生命的歷程中花了很長的時間才抵達今天這個關鍵點,所以請仔細留意在你周圍發生著什麼。一些資訊將是故意流出導致恐懼,現在你們應該知道,這其實是為了餵養這些黑暗勢力的胃口而已。不需要動手指你就能夠幫助把黑暗勢力打趴下的訣竅就是,否決那些他們賴開幕活動以生存的能量--恐懼。時時刻刻都讓你們的光芒無限閃耀,永遠不讓你的精神焦點從自己的目標上脫離。2012年將快速的引入眼簾,加速提高聖光的層次錨定到地球上,這就意味著你們將迅速的脫離舊的振動。當你們擺脫它們,你將注意到一種更輕鬆的感受取代它,一種美麗平和的心態降臨到你的心頭。如果這已經是你的感受,我們想說你做的很好,這就表示你已經為揚升做好完全的準備了。 我們銀河聯邦繼續在不斷接近你們,我們已經確定的直接接觸了地球上許多的光的存有,那些人在大揭露中將扮演重要的角色。如果必要的話,我們能夠瞭解到關於任何人需要知道的資訊,因此你們可以確信,無論誰代表我方發言都必定是誠懇的。這裡如果有任何其他人試圖帶著錯誤的資訊侵入的話,你們將感受到不同,因為他們攜帶的能量本質是不同的。保持辨別能力,並且記住,黑暗勢力是能容易識別出來的,他們將製造恐懼並裝載到資訊裡。請理解,直到這次週期的結束,黑暗勢力都依舊有著自由意志選擇去做他們企圖去做的事情。我們的希望是他們能很快的明白---聖光的力量就要全盤掌控地球了,通過去企圖製造更多的混亂和混淆他們都沒有任何事情可以贏得。 對於許多人來說美好的時刻在靠近,人們在期待著新一年的到來,討論著他們的願望和他們希望把什麼美好帶入生活的心願。那些表達出自己信心的光之工作者們,在未來將繼續給地球帶來和平,將租房子極大的幫助那些依舊處於恐懼中的人,這可能在其他方面導致了你們身邊的不穩定性情況。不管哪裡,只要一句鼓勵的話都能夠幫助提升陰暗憂鬱與悲觀的情況,這也是許多人現在感受到的。你們的神聖光芒是一股輻射的力量,它範圍很廣,無論你走到哪裡你都可以帶來一種平靜的感受。當你們中大量的人聚合到一起的時候,為了共同的目標送出你們的神性光芒,它的力量將十倍的增長,而你們將為整個人類做出巨大的貢獻。相信我們,你們的力量是超出自己想像的。 我們明白對於許多人來說條件確實艱苦,但是請不要讓他們也把你的振動拉低,因為在一切轉變之前不需要再走的更久了。事實上,比起過去任何的時候來說你們都會變得更加好。和平將降臨地球,你們的擔心與困境將持續減輕直到不復存在。在幾個月內你們將看到驚人的變化發生,而我們就是你們的保證,所有我們承諾過的都將實現。當我們提到“我們”,這包括了所有的存有,那些與我們一起工作的來自最高實相之光的存有們。結束的日期已經被神聖計畫了,不會存在錯誤,它受到了造物主的照顧。 我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且擔保你們都很好,你們所有的夢想還有你們所尋求的愛。 Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light 譯者 U2覺醒

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